Troubleshooting Lip Problems

. Saturday, September 27, 2008
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Here’s a checklist of list problems. Answers Yes or No to each.
  1. Do you a lot of time outdoors?
  2. Do you lick your lips?
  3. Are you lips so chapped that they’re cracked?
  4. Do you always have trouble getting your lipstick to go on evenly?
  5. Does your lipstick bleed?
  6. Do you dislike your lips line?
  7. Have you ever tried a lip pencil and found that it made a mess?
  8. Does your lipstick fade?
  9. Do you bite your lips?
  10. Do your lips problems refuse to improve or go away?
Interpreting your answers
  1. If you answered Yes to any of these question, here are some solution to your problems.
  2. Use a sunscreen to protect your lips from sun damage.
  3. This is an indication that your lips are too dry. Moisturize with a lip balm a medicated lip balm and apply a drop of water first.
  4. You need a medicated lip balm with sunscreen.
  5. Apply a lip conditioner, then a foundation base. This will help your lipstick go on evenly.
  6. Use a lip pencil to define the line.
  7. Get out that lip pencil again. Use it to make minor improvement in your lip line.
  8. The pencil was probably too soft. When you shop for a lip pencil, try it out on the back of your hand first before you buy it.
  9. Chances are you’re not applying it often enough. It’s important to find a lip product with a “feel” you like. That way, you’ll have no problems reapplying it often, especially after meals, before going outside and at bedtime.
  10. Stop! Biting your lips is even worse than licking them. It removes protective skin.
  11. Time for a visit to your dermatologist. Persistent. Persistent problems may require medical care.


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